Safety Update: Egypt Travel Advisories From 7 Countries

Many countries have official updates to inform citizens planning or thinking about traveling to Egypt. You can find below latest advisories from 7 different countries about traveling to Egypt.

CoronaVirus (COVID-19) Advise

Most countries have issued advisories about the current Corona Virus Pandemic. Please refer to relevant country travel advisory website for additional information about current travel warnings and restrictions

Current warnings and restrictions are not specific to Egypt but is more related to travel in general and attempts by different governments to contain the spread of this virus.

We wish everyone safe tips and we can only advice you to take every precaution you can and to follow your government recommendations or Egypt’s government recommendation if you are currently visiting Egypt. Stay safe out there!

Advisories from 7 Different Countries about Traveling to Egypt

  1. Australia
  2. Canada
  3. Hong Kong
  4. Ireland
  5. New Zealand
  6. United Kingdom
  7. United States
Make an Informed Decision about Travel Risks Before Traveling
Make an Informed Decision about Travel Risks Before Traveling

A Must Know before you travel to Egypt: Security Advice from 7 Governmental Sites

In this page we bring you the latest advice about how safe it is to travel to Egypt from 7 different governmental advisory sites. This is one of the most important factors that impacts a travel decision. It is important to keep an eye on the status of our trip destination and how safe it is considered by authoritative resources.

At the same time you may also need to understand if an advisory is very much country specific, biased, or just exaggeration by mainstream media. Egypt is in the middle of the Middle East and as this area is under political and sometimes military tensions, Egypt usually gets a fair ( or sometime unfair) share of travel warnings, and attention from mainstream media.

Egypt is a Large Country and Travel Risks Vary Greatly from One Region to Another (Source: Google Maps)
Egypt is a Large Country and Travel Risks Vary Greatly from One Region to Another (Source: Google Maps)

Egypt is a dream destination for many travelers not just because of its famous ancient civilization attractions and its wealth historical sites and cultural heritage, but also because of its gorgeous beaches on the Mediterranean sea and on the red sea. It also has many other types of attractions including desert excursions, some of the best diving spots in the world, one of the biggest and most populated cities in the World: Cairo, and many other reasons that makes it a desirable destination.

Unfortunately, due to its location at the heart of the Middle East and the ongoing struggle with extremist groups, Egypt is under warning alerts from time to time, and you need to pick the right time to visit. You do not need to remove it from your bucket list though as you would be missing a lot! All the hype in the media and the occasional warnings does not make Egypt a dangerous place or unsafe destination for travelers. On the contrary, Egypt is considered a relatively safe touristic destination and tourists enjoy a relatively safe and unforgettable positivist travel experience in most cases.

Egypt Travel Security Zones as divided by most security advisories

Egypt Map - (Google Maps) - Travel Advisory Security Zones
Egypt Map – (Google Maps) – Travel Advisory Security Zones

Most Common Egypt Travel Safety Zones Addressed by Advisory Authorities

As indicated in the map above, most advisories divide Egypt from a safety perspective into different zones with different tourist safety risk levels. Different advisories may have slightly different zoning, but they don’t differ much. These zones are:

  1. The border line with Libya: This is usually around 50 Km in depth. This is mainly an area that is part of the Western Egyptian desert or the Sahara desert. It can be subject to activities by the army, the extremists, or smugglers across the border.
  2. Western Desert: This desert extends from west of the Nile River to the Libyan border in the west and from almost the north coast in the north to the border with Sudan in the south. This is mainly an inhabited area except for military and bedouins.
  3. North Sinai Governorate: This is the area the north of Sinai peninsula. It is bordered by Gaza and Israel. Most inhabitants are bedouins or Sinaia tribes with Areesh being the largest city. This are witnesses many of the confrontations between the security forces and extremists or smugglers.
  4. South Sinai Except Sharm El Sheikh: This is the area of south Sinai peninsula except the Sharm El Sheikh area.
  5. Sharm el Sheikh Area: This includes Sharm El Sheikh city, the airport and the areas of Naama Bay, Sharm el Maya, Hadaba, Nabq and Sharks Bay. This area is closely watched by security forces and is mainly a touristic city.
  6. Rest of Egypt: This includes the nile River valley and areas that extend to the eastern and northern coasts. This is actually the area where about 95% of Egypt population live.

Our advice Based on Collection of Advisories From Different Governmental Advisories

RegionRisk Level
1. The border line
with Libya
High Risk Indicator
2. Western Desert High Risk Indicator
3. North Sinai High Risk Indicator
4. South Sinai
Except Sharm El Sheikh
High Risk Indicator
5. Sharm el Sheikh Area Medium Risk Indicator
6. Rest of Egypt Medium Risk Indicator

The above recommendations reflect only our opinion and does not represent any specific authority, government, or organization. It is mainly based on our personal judgment and experience. Every traveler needs to exercise due diligence and make sure that current risk level are acceptable for their travel.

Each of the advisories below reflect the current risk level from 7 different governments. You can also click on the link of each country to refer directly to the website of that government or authority.

What Do We Mean By Each Risk Level?

High Risk Indicator
High Risk Indicator (Do not travel to this region)
Medium Risk Indicator
Medium Risk Indicator (You can travel but you need to be alert and exercise caution)
Low Risk Indicator
Low Risk Indicator (Travel with Normal Travel caution )

We strongly advise against traveling to areas with High Risk levels. For medium level, you need to follow up with your country advisories and revise the need to travel to a Medium Risk regions. It is not a show stopper though for all travelers. Low Risk simply requires following normal safety and caution guidelines.

Current Security Advisories For Traveling to Egypt: What Does the World Currently Think About Visiting Egypt: Is it Safe?

1- Australia Advisory On Traveling to Egypt

RegionRisk Level
1. The border line
with Libya
Level 1 – Exercise normal safety precautions
Level 2 – Exercise a high degree of caution
Level 3 – Reconsider your need to travel
Level 4 – Do not travel
2. Western Desert Level 1 – Exercise normal safety precautions
Level 2 – Exercise a high degree of caution
Level 3 – Reconsider your need to travel
*Level 4 – Do not travel
3. North Sinai Level 1 – Exercise normal safety precautions
Level 2 – Exercise a high degree of caution
Level 3 – Reconsider your need to travel
*Level 4 – Do not travel
4. South Sinai
Except Sharm El Sheikh
Level 1 – Exercise normal safety precautions
Level 2 – Exercise a high degree of caution
Level 3 – Reconsider your need to travel
*Level 4 – Do not travel
5. Sharm el Sheikh Area Level 1 – Exercise normal safety precautions
Level 2 – Exercise a high degree of caution
*Level 3 – Reconsider your need to travel
Level 4 – Do not travel
6. Rest of Egypt Level 1 – Exercise normal safety precautions
Level 2 – Exercise a high degree of caution
*Level 3 – Reconsider your need to travel
Level 4 – Do not travel

2- Canada Advisory on Traveling to Egypt

RegionRisk Level
1. The border line
with Libya
Exercise normal security precautions
Exercise a high degree of caution
Avoid non-essential travel
*Avoid all travel
2. Western Desert Exercise normal security precautions
Exercise a high degree of caution
Avoid non-essential travel
*Avoid all travel
3. North Sinai Exercise normal security precautions
Exercise a high degree of caution
Avoid non-essential travel
*Avoid all travel
4. South Sinai
Except Sharm El Sheikh
Exercise normal security precautions
Exercise a high degree of caution
Avoid non-essential travel
*Avoid all travel
5. Sharm el Sheikh Area Exercise normal security precautions
*Exercise a high degree of caution
Avoid non-essential travel
Avoid all travel
6. Rest of Egypt Exercise normal security precautions
*Exercise a high degree of caution
Avoid non-essential travel
Avoid all travel

3- Hong Kong Advisory on Traveling to Egypt

RegionRisk Level
1. The border line
with Libya
Signs of threat
*Significant threat
Severe threat
2. Western Desert Signs of threat
*Significant threat
Severe threat
3. North Sinai Signs of threat
*Significant threat
Severe threat
4. South Sinai
Except Sharm El Sheikh
Signs of threat
*Significant threat
Severe threat
5. Sharm el Sheikh Area Signs of threat
*Significant threat
Severe threat
6. Rest of Egypt Signs of threat
*Significant threat
Severe threat

4- Ireland Advisory on Traveling to Egypt

RegionRisk Level
1. The border line
with Libya
Normal precautions
High degree of caution
Avoid non-essential travel
*Do not travel
2. Western Desert Normal precautions
High degree of caution
Avoid non-essential travel
*Do not travel
3. North Sinai Normal precautions
High degree of caution
Avoid non-essential travel
*Do not travel
4. South Sinai
Except Sharm El Sheikh
Normal precautions
High degree of caution
Avoid non-essential travel
*Do not travel
5. Sharm el Sheikh Area Normal precautions
*High degree of caution
Avoid non-essential travel
Do not travel
6. Rest of Egypt Normal precautions
*High degree of caution
Avoid non-essential travel
Do not travel

5- New Zealand Advisory on Traveling to Egypt

RegionRisk Level
1. The border line
with Libya
Exercise normal safety and security precautions
Exercise increased caution
Avoid non-essential travel
*Do not travel
2. Western Desert Exercise normal safety and security precautions
Exercise increased caution
*Avoid non-essential travel
Do not travel
3. North Sinai Exercise normal safety and security precautions
Exercise increased caution
Avoid non-essential travel
*Do not travel
4. South Sinai
Except Sharm El Sheikh
Exercise normal safety and security precautions
Exercise increased caution
*Avoid non-essential travel
Do not travel
5. Sharm el Sheikh Area Exercise normal safety and security precautions
*Exercise increased caution
Avoid non-essential travel
Do not travel
6. Rest of Egypt Exercise normal safety and security precautions
*Exercise increased caution
Avoid non-essential travel
Do not travel

6- United Kingdom Advisory on Traveling to Egypt

RegionRisk Level
1. The border line
with Libya
See Travel Advice Before Travelling
*Advise against all but essential travel
Advise against all but Travel
2. Western Desert See Travel Advice Before Travelling
*Advise against all but essential travel
Advise against all but Travel
3. North Sinai See Travel Advice Before Travelling
Advise against all but essential travel
*Advise against all but Travel
4. South Sinai
Except Sharm El Sheikh
See Travel Advice Before Travelling
*Advise against all but essential travel
Advise against all but Travel
5. Sharm el Sheikh Area *See Travel Advice Before Travelling
Advise against all but essential travel
Advise against all but Travel
6. Rest of Egypt *See Travel Advice Before Travelling
Advise against all but essential travel
Advise against all but Travel

7- United States Advisory on Traveling to Egypt

RegionRisk Level
1. The border line
with Libya
Level 1 – Exercise Normal Precautions
Level 2 – Exercise Increased Caution
Level 3 – Reconsider Travel
*Level 4 – Do Not Travel
2. Western Desert Level 1 – Exercise Normal Precautions
Level 2 – Exercise Increased Caution
Level 3 – Reconsider Travel
*Level 4 – Do Not Travel
3. North Sinai Level 1 – Exercise Normal Precautions
Level 2 – Exercise Increased Caution
Level 3 – Reconsider Travel
*Level 4 – Do Not Travel
4. South Sinai
Except Sharm El Sheikh
Level 1 – Exercise Normal Precautions
Level 2 – Exercise Increased Caution
Level 3 – Reconsider Travel
*Level 4 – Do Not Travel
5. Sharm el Sheikh Area Level 1 – Exercise Normal Precautions
*Level 2 – Exercise Increased Caution
Level 3 – Reconsider Travel
Level 4 – Do Not Travel
6. Rest of Egypt Level 1 – Exercise Normal Precautions
*Level 2 – Exercise Increased Caution
Level 3 – Reconsider Travel
Level 4 – Do Not Travel

What Does that All mean to You as a Traveler: Is it Safe or Not Safe to Travel to Egypt?

All advisories are there for a reason based on information collected by different authorities and governments. However they are still ‘Advisories’. It is up to you to make your own decision on whether Egypt is a safe destination or not. I also recommend that you follow up news from reliable sources. In some cases government advisories are not changed in time even when the situation is already stabilized. You may be surprised to find similar advisories are in place for other popular destination but not drawing media attention like those focusing on Egypt as a Middle Eastern country.

Traveling To Any Destination Around The World Always Comes with Some Risks
Traveling To Any Destination Around The World Always Comes with Some Risks

At the time of writing this update, Hong Kong had a similar advisory on traveling to Turkey, Australia had a ‘exercise a high degree of caution’ on France, Canada had the same advisory on France and on UK. New Zealand had a ‘Exercise increased caution’ on Australia and France.

Assess Risk of Travel and Make a Balanced Decision.
Assess Risk of Travel and Make a Balanced Decision.

Ireland had a an advisory of ‘ High degree of caution ‘ on both France and Turkey. This did not stop 90 million visitor per year from traveling to France or around 40 million visitor from going to Turkey. Terrorism is a risk that travelers will have to live with just like crimes and diseases that can infest most countries around the world. Extreme conditions of military conflict, epidemics, or extreme levels of crime are definitely a red flag when making a travel decision. This not the usual case in Egypt, especially if you stick to zones 5 and 6.

Many People Travel with Low to Medium Levels of Risk, but this depends on your Tolerance to Risk
Many People Travel with Low to Medium Levels of Risk, But this Depends on your Tolerance to Risk

A risk free travel does not exist. The minute you decide to travel anywhere, you are also deciding to take some level of risk regardless of your destination. Even if you stay put, crimes are all around you anyway. Risk is part of life and you will need to make the decision about the level of risk that is acceptable to you and to your family or travel companions. I personally know individuals who go year after year to the western desert and to Sinai and they swear they they had the best time in their life every time. This is not an advice to ignore travel warnings, but just to indicate that risk tolerance is different from one person to another. In 2017 there were 1.1 million assaults in europe, and 1.2 violent crimes in the US. With these numbers, Egypt would be considered a safer place than both Europe and the United States in my opinion.


Stay away from political demonstrations or debates in Egypt and Enjoy your Trip!
Stay Away from Political Demonstrations or Debates in Egypt and Enjoy Your Trip!

My advice to you is to stay away from High risk regions and to stay away from any street demonstrations when in Cairo or any other main city. Do you due diligence at the time of your travel and based on your own circumstances to make a sane and balanced decision about your tip (whether to Egypt or anywhere else). Do not get involved in political discussions or debates while in Egypt. Most Important: Enjoy your trip!